NC Irrigation Contractors

North Carolina Irrigation Contractor's Licensing Board Online Courses and Credits


NOTE: Please select courses and add to cart.  Courses are $15 per credit

If you are buying courses for multiple employees, please select your quantity, add to cart, and checkout with "I am buying courses for My Employees."  You can then create employee accounts and assign courses.  

**Each Credit Requires 1 Hour of Training within the Course (2 Credits = 2 Hours) - Take Breaks as Needed

**All Courses Below are for Irrigation Contractors

CONTRACTOR SAFETY - 2 CREDITS - Category - Business Credits

Topics include core benefits, worker participation, communication, safety and health programs, implementation, and monitoring and analysis.


TURF GRASS SPECIES - 2 CREDITS - Category - Irrigation Credits

Course topics include warm and cool season turf grasses, use, adaptation, culture, physiology, and videos.
