Testing Process for New Applicators
- The applicator testing fee is $25 per category.
- There is no longer a discount for testing in multiple categories.
- The Pesticide Training & Testing registration fee includes a study session, course materials and lunch in addition to the testing fee. Test results will be sent to participants from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) once payment is processed by the University of Kentucky.
- This process typically takes approximately six weeks.
- Provide up-todate contact information on your test cover sheet, including a valid email address, so results may be sent timely.
- You will not be eligible to apply pesticides until you pay a $10 fee to receive your physical license.
- A billing statement with instructions on how to pay this fee will be included when you receive your test results.
Renewal Process for License Holders
- Once you have an applicator license, you must obtain continuing education units (CEUs) to maintain it.
- The new regulations require applicators to have 12 CEU hours on their record that have been obtained within the past three years.
- New applicators are automatically awarded 12 CEU hours the first year. Updated regulations require that only one CEU needs to be specific to the license category.
- Our Pesticide Continuing Education training provides four CEU hours, including a specific hour for Categories 3, 5, 6, and 8. Category 18 for golf course applicators has now been merged with Category 3.
- Applicator licenses expire on December 31 of each year.
- License holders will receive a renewal letter toward the end of the year with information on how to renew their license.
- Applicators must reply to this letter by filling it out and returning it in the mail or completing the online application here: https://www.kyagr-apps.com/AgExternal/Security/Account/Login.
- License holders must now pay a $10 fee each year to renew their license. To avoid penalties, this fee is due by January 31 of the next year.
- Browse the official guidance from the Department of Agriculture for more complete information regarding these updates.
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