For Commercial Applicators and Registered Technicians:
Recertification – Currently certified applicators are required to attend an approved category specific recertification course for each category they hold every 2 years before their certificates expires.
Renewal – As of March 17, 2022, renewal fees and applications have been eliminated. Applicators will either renew in and odd or even year cycle per their listed expiration date. (*Government employees are exempt from renewal application and fees however must complete the recertification course requirement)
If an applicator does not renew by June 30, the applicator is not allowed by law to apply pesticides. There is a 60-day grace period and
after August 29, an applicator can no longer renew an expired certificate and will have to reinstate it by examination.
For Private Applicators:
Recertification – Currently certified applicators are required to attend approved category specific recertification courses for each category they hold every 2 years before their certificates expire; and
Renewal – If an applicator has the required recertification credit, their certificate will be automatically renewed.
Applicators have unitl August 29th to renew.