Oregon Landscape Contractors

Oregon Landscape Contractors Board Online Courses and Credits

NOTE: Please select courses and add to cart.

If you are buying courses for multiple employees, please select your quantity, add to cart, and checkout with "I am buying courses for My Employees" on the checkout page.  You can then create employee accounts and assign courses.  

**Each Credit Requires 60 Minutes of Training within the Course (2 Credits = 2 Hours) - Take Breaks as Needed

**If you have held an LCP license for 6 years or more, you need to report 8 hours every 2 years

**If you have held an LCP license for less than 6 years, you need to report 16 hours every 2 years 

**Submit your Completion Certificates to OLCB at Renewal Time

Aeration in Aquatic Environments - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include types of aeration, linear, blowers, practices, videos, diffusers, basics of aeration, and flow.


Aquatic Submerged Weeds - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include submerged aquatic weeds, descriptions, ecological effects, control measures, timing of treatments, products, and invasive species.


Aquatic Weed Management - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include necessary weed control, water usage, weed identification, large impoundments, managing aquatic weeds, herbicides, waterways, environmental effects, and faulty applications.


Beneficial Aquatic Plants - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include types, benefits, uses, background, healthy ponds, names, adding plants to ponds, and ecology.


Bent grass - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include usage, care, maintenance, growth regulators, breeding, cultural practices, physiology, heat stress, diseases, thatch, insects, shade, winter kill, and desiccation.


Bermuda Grass - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include adaptation, use, propagation, cultivars, management, fertility, cultural practices, pest problems, control, and establishment.


Contractor Safety - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include core benefits, worker participation, communication, safety and health programs, implementation, and monitoring and analysis.


Equipment Calibration - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include improper calibration, drop and rotary spreaders, boom sprayers, nozzles, videos, agitation, amount of product and solution.


Fungicides - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include systemic, contact, transliminar, videos, FRAC Code, uses, crops, description, and history.


Imported Fire Ants - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include foraging, tunneling, habitat, videos, physiology, socialization, and feeding.


Insecticides - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include formulations, aerosols, sprays, dusts, baits, concentrates, foggers, and videos.


Insects - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include insects, spiders, and videos.


Invasive Species - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include environmental considerations, various species, problems, solutions, government role, environments, examples, and videos.


Landscape Ornamentals - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include ornamentals, care, fertilizing, pruning, videos, and planting.


Nematodes - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include description, biology, habitat, life cycle, beneficial nematodes, videos, anatomy, digestive system, types, bacteria, feeding, and modes of action.


Pesticide Laws - 1 Credit - Category LCP

Course topics include regulations, classification, labeling, formulation, transportation, storage, mixing, application, equipment, videos, and maintenance.


Pesticide Safety - 1 Credit - Category LCP

Topics include safe handling, labels, equipment maintenance, transportation, videos, and toxicity.


Pesticides & Bees - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include Colony Collapse Disease, apiary location, drift, environmental effects, signs, symptoms, videos, recovery, and malnutrition.


Respirators - 1 Credit - Category LCP

Topics include color coding, donning, doffing, types, safety precautions, and videos.


Right of Way Applications - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include weed characteristics, control methods, types of control, herbicides and their characteristics, and Integrated Vegetation Management.


Right of Way Weed Control - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include road shoulders, ditches, drains, road crossings, herbicide injections, basal and foliar treatment, storage yards, railroads, chemical side trimming, and selective and non-selective vegetation management.


Seashore Paspalum - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include road shoulders, ditches, drains, road crossings, herbicide injections, basal and foliar treatment, storage yards, railroads, chemical side trimming, and selective and non-selective vegetation management.


Seed Treatment - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include description, growth regulators, fungicidal, anti-microbial, chemical, insecticides, agriculture, benefits and risks, advantages and disadvantages, IPM, protection, purpose, videos, neonicotinoids, and plant health.


Soils, Nutrients, & IPM - 1 Credit - Category LCP

Course topics include composition, properties, make-up, nutrient analysis, IPM, and videos.


Turf grass Diseases - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include diseases, control, management, fertilizer, watering, videos, and preventative measures.


Turf grass Identification - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include description, reference chart, parts of a grass plant, classification, and videos.


Turf grass Insects - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include beneficial organisms, mouthparts, species, seasonality, and videos.


Turf grass Species - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Course topics include warm and cool season turf grasses, use, adaptation, culture, physiology, and videos.


Worker Protection Standard - 1 Credit - Category LCP

This course covers safety, re-entry intervals, regulations, wps, PPE, and EPA.


Zoysia Grass - 2 Credits - Category LCP

Topics include history, establishment, sodding, turf quality, drought tolerance, disease management, insect problems. nutritional requirements, cultural management, fertilization, thatch, weed control. winter injury, insect control, and characteristics
